Monday, May 20, 2013

SATC Reminder to Just Live Life

-Carrie (and basically everyone else according to google)

Okay, I know that this is not originally from Sex and the City. I also know it is not Sunday! I just remember Carrie quoting this in a voiceover and it really stuck with me. When I went to google it, I was reminded how much of a bottomless pit it really could be so I didn't try to attribute it further. 
Hey, remember that one time I was a blogger? Sorry I have yet again been MIA but I feel that this quote pretty solidly summarizes how life has been for me. I got home from beach week on Thursday, started moving all my stuff into the new house on Friday and Saturday, finally saw some of my besties on Sunday, and today I was diagnosed with Pink Eye (blech!). I just haven't had a down moment and most of my friends are leaving this week or at the end of this week for the entire summer so I am savoring every second I can have with them. 
Bigger news is that tomorrow morning (probably when most of you are reading this) I start my internship with Women On Course. I guess one plus side of having an (extremely mild) case of Pink Eye is that I am more concerned with having a bum eye than anything else. I am so excited about this internship and I just cannot wait to get started. Back to the quote though, I really love this one. I was so busy with little things and I really hadn't planned my weekend or day, which is strange for a compulsive list-maker like me, and I realized how much I just went out and did stuff and saw people instead. I have been so busy but it has all been with menial tasks that are never-the-less, important. Relationships with friends and family cannot be sacrificed and that is so easy to do in the hustle and bustle of the school year. 
The first few days of summer break were so nice without a schedule. I really feel like I just lived instead of checked things off and, honestly, it was just as rewarding as crossing an item off a to-do list. Of course, reality is going to start to set in and I am going to create a schedule again and get back to my routine, but these couple of days reminded me that there is more to life than that. Enjoy your summer, take a break, you deserve it.
I know I am personally excited to plan my bedroom at my new house and my apartment for next year...seriously, it is going to be a saving grace with all my friends from home scattered across college campuses around the country. 
Live life to the fullest, because we only get one shot at it.


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