Monday, August 18, 2014

Apartment Cleaning 101

First of all, today is the Lilly Pulitzer sale so if you haven't checked it out by the time you read this, make sure to do so...after you read this post ;)
I moved back to Charlottesville yesterday and the first thing on my to-do list is cleaning my apartment. My roommate and I weren't here this summer and we had the dust bunnies to prove it, so yesterday, Momma and I did a solid sweep of the common space. Today and tomorrow, I am focusing on my room. At school I have a big room and it tends to just be a landing place for things I don't need at all. I really want to purge my wardrobe and room this week, all part of the cleaning project.
I am a total stress cleaner most of the time, but this project is more thorough. There is just something about knowing your apartment is the most organized and cleanest it can be to start the year that sets a good tone for the semester. Plus, cleaning is synonymous with reason to dance around and sing One Direction and other pop songs for me. Seriously, it makes the cleaning process go by so quickly! So if you want to get started for the year, make sure to stock up on cleaning supplies and get cracking! Plus, it's a great time to inventory what you have and what you need for the year as you go through all your stuff!


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