Okay, going back to the real world tomorrow is going to be really tough. Coming off a couple of fun days at the beach and then a relaxing weekend is a far cry from a 40 hour a week job and an internship. However, I would probably get really bored just sitting around all summer knowing me, so maybe this isn't the worst thing in the world.
Speaking of Beach Week, I have a confession. While I had a great time there, I was a bit down for parts of the week because I was not happy with how I looked in a bathing suit. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying I was feeling so terrible that I never showed my face or body on the beach, but I was just a bit self-conscious. I could have and should have been in better shape going into the week. There is no excuse for me to eat unhealthily or not exercise during the year, and yet I managed to somehow convince myself that it was okay.
I go to the beach six weeks from yesterday, and I plan to be significantly more confident going into that trip than I was for this one. I am not saying that my body is going to do a 180, but I can definitely make some good life changes in the meantime. I spent a lot of time over the last couple of days looking at different health tips for eating and I have a gym membership as well as two feet that know how to run, so I am pretty set for my exercise. This isn't going to be easy for me, knowing my love of snacking and sweets, but it is time to make some healthy changes in my life.
You may notice, there is a new tab on the header for this journey. Honestly, blogging about this is going to have its good and bad moments, but it will definitely keep me more accountable! If any of you are planning on getting in shape this summer I would love to know what your plan is and keep in touch (you can just email me: sugarsnappearls@gmail.com) and if you have any tips, I would also love to hear them.
Also, I just want to stress that this is a personal decision for my health. I do not love myself any less at whatever weight I am, it is about more than that. I am also not doing this as a "beat the scale" challenge because, from what I've heard, those never go well. This is a summer for fitness and making changes that will last me a lifetime!
I'm right there with you girl! I start classes this week and have take the past few weeks off from the gym prepping for my move an orientation week. Time to get back at it!