Last night, I had an amazing dream that I had started the drybar franchise. Yeah, I wish... (I mean, that would mean a lifetime of free blowouts, right?) I am pretty sure that this all got started with me running into Michaels yesterday looking for a print for my wall and coming across a print that I had been wanting for a long time now. Since I had a 50% off one item coupon, I figured that I may as well see if I had a place for it and if I had to, I could always return it. Well, when I got up to the cash register, I went to pull out my coupon until the lady said it was costing me $0.01. Seriously, I don't know why the heck this happened, but I paid a penny for this print!!!
What does this have to do with dreaming big? The print is called "The Boys of Summer" (see below) and it depicts four boys walking to or from a pickup game eying the ultimate prize, playing major league ball in Yankee Stadium. That is one of the reasons I have always loved this so much, not only is depicting a scene involving my beloved Yankees, but it also is about the importance of dreaming big.
Although I did not start a wildly successful franchise, like in my dream, I do have the ability to do what I want with my life. I have the ability to dream big, and so do all of you. Here is some inspiration for pursuing those dreams. I find it so helpful to pin quotes like these or print them out and I hope you do the same. Dream big, y'all!
peace, love, and back to paper writing for me.
p.s. Downton Abbey season premiere is tonight at 9pm!!! Thanks to G for reminding me...who else is excited???
I love everything about this post. Just what I needed to hear!